
June 12, 2024


Tony Gareri

Beware of Fakes: Why Trophy Culture in Business Can be a Farce

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May 29, 2024


Tony Gareri

Vegetable Juice: Suck it up.

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June 5, 2024


Tony Gareri

Enough Is Enough: Turning Off the Pity Party Playlist

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May 2, 2024


Tony Gareri

Talk is Cheap: The Strategy of Lived Experience In Leadership

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March 5, 2024


Tony Gareri

Fear is Only Present in the Absence of Faith

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December 15, 2023


Tony Gareri

Unveiling the Divine Secret of Work: A Journey Beyond the Mundane

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September 6, 2023


Stop Judging, start helping!

It is vital for us to acknowledge and confront our inherent biases and replace them with empathy

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August 16, 2023


Tony Gareri

Employees Don't Suck; Your Culture Does!

In a world filled with infinite choices, we have the power to choose not just our schools, food, and cars, but also where we fulfill our careers and occupations.

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August 14, 2023


Tony Gareri

Be Selfish - Unlock Generosity

In a world driven by the pursuit of wealth and material possessions, it is easy to lose sight of what truly matters

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August 4, 2023


Tony Gareri

Servant Leadership: The Power of Putting Others First

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July 28, 2023


Tony Gareri

Invest Before You Digress: Build Bridges Not Walls

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July 6, 2023


Tony Gareri

Crush Gossip’s Grip with one Game changing move!

Gossip corrodes trust, breeds discord, and stifles progress!

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June 19, 2023


Tony Gareri

The Ripple Effect: Unleashing the Power of Words for Lasting Change

Let us seize the power of our tongues, for in its vast potential lies the ability to shape our world.

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April 10, 2023


Tony Gareri

Unlock Your Inner Leader

Secrets to inspire and motivate your team

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April 2, 2023


Tony Gareri

The Cold Hard Truth

Wonder Why so Many People Hate Their Jobs? Here's Why...

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March 7, 2023


Tony Gareri

The Power of Clarity

Ever wonder how crucial a Clear Mission Statement is to a Business' Success? Here are 6 reasons a Clear Mission Statement can make or break your Brand!

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February 9, 2023


Tony Gareri

Don't Mess my Sandbox

We may not play in actual sandboxes much as adults, but the simple lessons learnt on a playground stay remarkably relevant when you’re leading a company. Disregard them at your peril.

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January 26, 2023


Tony Gareri

A Letter to My Roma Family

On January 4, 2023, voted by the team anonymously, Roma officially received the Certified title of Great Place to Work®! from the Global Authority on Workplace Culture: Great Places to Work®!

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November 30, 2022


Tony Gareri

The Power of Curiosity

If you want to appear intelligent, you rarely have to do all the talking, all you really have to do is ask questions.

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June 19, 2024


Tony Gareri

You Can Only Do Great Things with Great People

I’m a big believer in the idea that hardship builds character. I also think that challenges can get the best of us, and sometimes we tend to fixate on why something is happening instead of what we can do about it.

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May 5, 2021


Tony Gareri

You Can't Tolerate Mediocrity and Expect Excellence!

Your success is largely predicated on what you tolerate... and what you don't. What do you tolerate that's holding you back?

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June 26, 2024


Tony Gareri

Your TV remote may be killing you

What you shine a light on only gets brighter! One might read the above statement and think that’s a great thing; while others might stop and ask, “what am I shining a light on today?”

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September 17, 2020


Tony Gareri

Working From Home, The New Norm? Or, Culture Killer?

While advancements in technology have made it easy for businesses to run at full WFH capacities amidst a global pandemic, what are the real ramifications to a business’ culture? To a team member’s career?

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February 19, 2020


Tony Gareri

Winning Through Change

Instead of resisting change, we must thrive in it. It is human nature to fear change, as it’s definitely followed by anxieties and insecurities that can be awfully powerful, but in those key negative moments, train yourself to pivot.

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October 5, 2021


Tony Gareri

Why You Can't Find Great People

Your people are what make or break your business. If you can't find great people, YOU might be the reason.

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February 9, 2022


Tony Gareri

When Hiring, Don't Make the $100,000 Mistake

If you aren't using behavioral analytics in your hiring process, you're risking throwing hundreds of thousands of dollars down the drain.

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May 10, 2022


Tony Gareri

Weird in the Best Way - My First Month at Roma

I can talk about company culture til I'm blue in the face. But, what really matters, is how my team feels.

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July 23, 2024


Tony Gareri

Top Ten Secrets to a Successful All Hands Meeting

The curtains are drawn while I pace calmly, going over in my mind what will happen next. The lights are bright and the stage is set as a hush falls over the crowd.

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July 17, 2024


Tony Gareri

The Time Is Always Right...

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “The time is always right to do what is right.” I’m a firm believer that most people would agree with that statement.

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December 10, 2020


Tony Gareri

This is the kind of post every CEO dreams of getting to write.

I am thrilled to announce that Roma is officially accepting Waterstone Canada’s prestigious Most Admired Corporate Culture Award.

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December 10, 2020


Tony Gareri

The Power of Perseverance

Perseverance requires passion. To succeed you have to keep pushing no matter what life throws at you.

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March 17, 2021


Ten Years. Ten Insights. And Still Learning.

Ten Things I’ve Learned in Ten Years as CEO in a Culture-Centric Business Model

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September 15, 2021


Tony Gareri

Storms Always Make You Better

If you're laser focused on crisis managment during a storm, you're missing a huge opportunity.

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June 2, 2021


Tony Gareri

Strategic Plans are a Delusion

We have a false narrative that our strategic plan will magically carry us to our goals. What you really need is an adaptable plan and the right people to implement it no matter what the world throws at you.

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May 25, 2016


Tony Gareri

Stop Limiting Your Potential

No one can take away your potential and opportunity! The journey of life can be very dynamic and can also be subjectively logical.

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March 16, 2022


Tony Gareri

Sh*t Happens. Figure it Out.

You can’t escape the inevitability of the proverbial, sh*t happening. What you can do, is foster a culture where the drive, desire, and means to “figure it out” are engrained in the company’s core values and day to day activities.

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July 7, 2022


Tony Gareri

Stop Clock

If you take every setback or "failure" as an opportunity to learn, you never really lose.

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August 10, 2022


Tony Gareri

Procrastination Could Cost You Your Left Hand

Leaders don't have the luxury of putting off tough decisions. And if you don't cut out the cancer as soon as you see it, it could cost you everything.

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April 3, 2020


Tony Gareri

Return On Culture

One of the biggest mistakes when establishing a culture, is making assumptions. And when done improperly, inauthentic cultures create disparity between leadership, their teams and effectively missing business targets.

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April 21, 2022


Tony Gareri

Don't Complain, Congratulate!

As a leader, every single day, you have a choice to focus your energy on what isn’t working or on what is. Both can be effective, but I choose to focus more of my attention on the latter.

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February 3, 2021


Tony Gareri

Not Everyone Will Love You

Business leaders and coaches are both responsible for the performance of their teams. And a team can only be as good as its leadership.

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January 31, 2020


Tony Gareri

Killer Complacency

Dreams. We all have dreams. But, some people may be slower to actualize them. Life is short, be purposeful about how you live it, and in the end, happiness trumps all!

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July 28, 2022


Tony Gareri

Inspire Them and They Will Come

Your environment shapes your culture – but we don’t often think about the context of the environment.

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December 2, 2021


Tony Gareri

If You're Easy to Offend, You're Not Open to Learning

‍You'll never learn anything new from the inside an echo chamber. And both your growth and your company's growth will suffer for it.

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May 27, 2020


Tony Gareri

How to Thrive in Unprecedented Times

Pandemic or not, a leader, their business and teams should always be functioning with these ten foundational best practices in mind.

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April 19, 2016


Tony Gareri

Dream it, Do it, Live it

I truly believe we live in one of the best times in history! We live in an era that if you can dream it, you can do it. Humans around the globe are transforming the world around us at lightening’s speed!

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January 26, 2022


Tony Gareri

For Grace Sakes, Stop Being an @S$

Honesty doesn't have to be brutal. Treat people with grace and the game will change for the better.

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February 23, 2016


Tony Gareri

Everything Comes From Nothing!

Every now and again, a phrase or quote has a profound impact on me! It tends to hit me like a ton of bricks and often causes me to launch into my own inquiry.

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February 17, 2022


Tony Gareri

Don't Be Lazy, Be Unconventional

Great people exist. Great people join great companies. But if you want to attract exceptional talent, you have to take unconventional measures to gain their attention.

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November 11, 2021


Tony Gareri

Don't Make a Blockbuster Mistake

You have to be ready, willing, and able to disrupt your own business model before you’re forced to react to a disruption from the outside.

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March 3, 2021


Tony Gareri

Divide and Conquer? I Think Not.

There is strength in celebrating our differences, but we can't let them divide us. There's so much divisive messaging out there, and it's not enough to just ignore it.

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December 30, 2020


Tony Gareri

Beware the False Narrative

We find joy in our relationships and our accomplishments and, yes, sometimes even in our stuff. But those things can’t give us sustainable happiness.

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January 13, 2022


Tony Gareri

Are You a Drunken Sailor?

Without strategy, accountability, & execution, you might as well hold your meetings drunk in a bar instead of around a conference table with a whiteboard.

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September 27, 2022


Tony Gareri

The 10 Traits Every Leader Needs - And How to Measure Them

As leaders, we're constantly measuring our team's performance, but we mustn't forget to gauge our own performance as well.

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September 8, 2022


Tony Gareri

Seed It and It Will Grow!

The key to employee retention is actually pretty simple on its face. A company that is intentional about genuine employee connectedness, will ultimately have a high retention rate!

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September 19, 2019


Tony Gareri

Patience and Potential

Each of us is born with massive potential. The only thing limiting us are the beliefs we hold about ourselves in our minds, and our willingness to go above and beyond to reach such potential.

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September 4, 2019


Tony Gareri

Not or Got - What’s Your Focus?

The reasons people don’t achieve what they desire vary almost as broadly as people themselves. Some don’t feel they are worthy; many don’t believe it’s possible, and a lot of us are afraid to ask for help.

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July 2, 2019


Tony Gareri

The Undeniable Power of Thank You

Two of the most powerful words in the world are also two of the most underrated words: Thank You.These magic words can make all sorts of things appear, they can make frowns disappear and even transform a person’s entire day.

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May 29, 2019


Tony Gareri


In a world full of Keurigs, Netflix, same-day-shipping, microwaveable everything, Spotify, Uber, and the world just a Google search away in the palm of our hands, persistence and perseverance aren’t getting as much exercise as they used to.

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May 1, 2019


Tony Gareri

Meetings Don’t Have to Suck

Did you know that the average office employee spends an average of 62 hours a month sitting in meetings, 37% of which are considered unproductive by the participants?

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April 11, 2019


Tony Gareri

Connect Before You Correct

In the classic film, Gladiator, the retired champion, Proximo calls the young Maximus to his chambers. He councils our hero on how best to win his freedom when they reach Rome.

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March 13, 2019


Tony Gareri

Haters Gonna Hate

You only get haters when you’re leveling up; when haters start popping up, consider yourself on the road to success!

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February 14, 2019


Tony Gareri

Inspiration vs Desperation

Brad Henry, the former Governor of Oklahoma once said, “A good leader can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.” The same can be said of good business managers, directors, mentors and leaders within organizations!

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January 24, 2019


Tony Gareri

It Takes a Village

Our world is more connected than ever before and yet, in many ways, people feel more disconnected than ever. Our fast-paced world can feel incredibly lonely outside the six-inch screens in the palms of our hands.

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January 3, 2019


Tony Gareri

Goal Setting: Do Something New! Achieve Something New!

Tis the season for New Year’s Resolutions. Setting goals for the upcoming year and resolving to do this year better than the last. Before diving into goal setting mode, it’s important to reflect and give thanks to the year completed.

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December 20, 2018


Tony Gareri

Simple Tips to Building and Fostering an Amazing Company Culture

All companies, regardless of size or composition, have a culture. Though few want to believe it, your company culture is ultimately what dictates your results.

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December 5, 2018


Tony Gareri

Keep Moving Forward

Progress is defined as forward or onward movement towards a destination. In life, you are either moving forward or moving backwards, there is very little standing still or idling in neutral.

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November 14, 2018


Tony Gareri

How Everyone Can Win When You’re Losing an Employee

Dear Fellow Employers, Are you ready for a wake-up call? A recent survey of 2,000 employees found that almost half (43%) said they are looking for a new job! The number one reason? Poor and undesirable corporate culture.

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September 27, 2018


Tony Gareri

If You Aren't Making Mistakes, You're Doing It Wrong

There’s a lot of beauty to be found in the mistakes we make, because they’re simply a part of growing – probably the most important part.

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September 13, 2018


Tony Gareri

Get out of the way!

I know a lot of CEO’s and founders and one of the things all of us seem to be learning over time is how to get out of the way.

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August 29, 2018


Tony Gareri

Put Your Heart Into It Today

Every Monday we have a leadership meeting and every week a different leader kicks it off with a piece of inspiration. Starting the week off this way is intended to get people thinking about what drives them.

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August 9, 2018


Tony Gareri

Want To Be a Leader? Get Involved.

As I packed up and headed over to pick up our van to meet with the rest of the Roma team, I thought about how important it was for all of us to be experiencing the upcoming week as volunteers together.

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July 20, 2018


Tony Gareri

Go To’s For A Successful Talk

Whether you’re a ballerina, soccer player, cellist, or really any type of performing artist - getting up on stage to deliver something of value to an audience is a unique position to be in.

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July 5, 2018


Tony Gareri

On Truth & Candor

Last year, The New York Times had a creative campaign that ran across a number of different mediums. It was called "The Truth is Hard" and it basically defined the truth as a present-day commodity.

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May 22, 2018


Tony Gareri

Everything you need, you have.

So many of us are looking outside of ourselves, in search of purpose. We hear about this growing desire people have to do more than “just work a job"

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April 25, 2018


Tony Gareri

Inspiration & Action: Weapons of Choice

When you’re busy running a company, it’s easy to forget to slow down and take a look at how far you’ve come, but last week I was prompted to do so in light of Roma Moulding receiving the 2018 Award as one of Canada’s top small & medium employers.

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April 4, 2018


Tony Gareri

You Can Only Do Great Things with Great People

I’m a big believer in the idea that hardship builds character. I also think that challenges can get the best of us, and sometimes we tend to fixate on why something is happening instead of what we can do about it.

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April 4, 2018


Tony Gareri

Your TV remote may be killing you

What you shine a light on only gets brighter! One might read the above statement and think that’s a great thing; while others might stop and ask, “what am I shining a light on today?”

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April 27, 2017


Tony Gareri

The Secret to Happiness

Who really wants to talk about change…? The reality is, not many. In fact, only ten percent of people truly embrace change, another ten percent accept it, and the last eighty percent do nothing at all.

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February 22, 2017


Tony Gareri

Culture is predicated on action, not ping-pong tables

It has often been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. It's also been said that actions speak louder than words. The truth is, we live in a society where politicians say ‘trust me’, often only to go back on their word.

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January 6, 2017


Tony Gareri

It’s your life... PLAY BIG

A New Year is upon us and with it brings much anticipation for great things ahead!

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December 9, 2016


Tony Gareri

Happiness at Work

For some, the mere hint of the phrase, happiness at work, lends itself to wise cracks, chuckles and a slight roll of the eyes; for others it’s a passion!

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November 8, 2016


Tony Gareri

Why People Rarely Succeed

These words ring loud and clear in my mind! In fact, knowing life is short, gives me more motivation to ensure that I’m having the time of my life, everyday!

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October 12, 2016


Tony Gareri

Never Lose Again

"I never lose"; this is powerful… and even more powerful is the meaning behind win or learn! Imagine living life knowing that you truly don’t ever lose! As I look back, having known this phrase, I surely would have done a few things differently.

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September 22, 2016


Tony Gareri

Before You Take The Leap!

Building the right company culture is not just an objective or goal; rather, building the right culture is a way of life! Today, more than ever, people and organizations understand the concept of what company culture is.

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August 11, 2016


Tony Gareri

Quality, a way of life.

Recently, I’ve been inspired to write this blog on “Quality” for a number of reasons! I’ve always been infatuated with companies who delivered quality on many fronts.

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June 21, 2016


Tony Gareri

Are You Insane?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Clearly, Einstein was on to something! In today’s fast paced market place, many business entrepreneurs and leaders have subscribed to Einstein’s definition.

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June 7, 2016


Tony Gareri

"Me" to "We" - Building & Fostering a "We" Community

Over the past 6 years or so, I have been enamoured by the positive effects of creating winning company cultures. The list of positive benefits on building company culture are endless.

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April 5, 2016


Tony Gareri

If you ask, you shall receive

If you don’t ask you surely don’t get… It’s an age-old adage, and one that almost always prevails. Did you know? the average amount of remotely conscious decisions an adult makes each day equals about 35,000.

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March 22, 2016


Tony Gareri

Return on Happiness

At Roma, we are proud to open our doors and host Tours to our friends, neighbours, businesses and anyone interested in learning more about company culture! We are so proud to host tours, that we dedicated a section of our website to it.

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March 9, 2016


Tony Gareri

The Amazing Side Effects of Generosity!

All of us, no matter where we live, no matter what nationality or culture we are; we all experience a warm feeling when we give or receive generously. Many argue that generosity is a win-win for all… and I tend to agree.

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February 2, 2016


Tony Gareri

Ask this and see things move forward

I believe people are genuinely good at heart! Not all people may see the world this way, and that’s okay; I didn't always either!

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January 19, 2016


Tony Gareri

Celebrate to survive and thrive!

Everyone loves to do it, but they rarely find the time, procrastinate or simply forget. No, I’m not talking about exercising or booking your next vacation, although both are really good things to do.

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January 5, 2016


Tony Gareri

A new road to a better 2016!

The New Year is upon us… Welcome to 2016! Many people are now reflecting on what transpired in the previous year while setting new goals for the year at hand.

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December 17, 2015


Tony Gareri

Why people with Passion win!

Whatever you choose to do in life, find your passion and you’ll win! Passion is an intense emotion, a compelling enthusiasm or desire for something.

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December 1, 2015


Tony Gareri

The Time Is Always Right...

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “The time is always right to do what is right.” I’m a firm believer that most people would agree with that statement.

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November 17, 2015


Tony Gareri

Culture is Your Smartest Investment

My personal mission is to Move, Inspire & WOW the people I come in contact with to help enrich their lives. I’m personally driven to challenge the status quo, think big, then think bigger and never, ever settle for anything but great!

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November 3, 2015


Tony Gareri

How To Make It Extraordinary!

There are many ways to live an extraordinary life, but one of the most rewarding ways to achieve this is to create and nurture extraordinary relationships.

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October 15, 2015


Tony Gareri

The Secret Sauce Revealed

Sometimes your product is so good that your standard of customer service is irrelevant. Unfortunately, most of us don't have that luxury and need to establish epic standards of care and detail to build strong relationships and engagement.

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October 1, 2015


Tony Gareri

One More Mile

I’m sure you’ve all heard of it, in many cases felt it, embraced it, wished you did it, and always love when it happens to you.

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